Saturday, August 6, 2011

Send in your comments, and they may appear on a future PhoenixCast episode!

I am very happy to announce that all you listeners have the chance to share YOUR
Harry Potter thoughts, opinions, and questions to us, and we will have them read on
our Harry Potter podcast, PhoenixCast!

All you have to do is publish your thoughts on the comments page,
which can be found just under this text.

If we see that it is appropriate, it will appear on a future PhoenixCast episode!
Hurry, because you only have until August 16th to send in your thoughts
for our next episode, which probably will be out by August 18th!

Anyone whose comment(s) is approved will have their screen name posted
on the PhoenixCast blog, and will get a shout-out from us on the show!
Send in YOUR questions, complaints, and/or comments NOW!


Luna593 said...

nice podcast. bad blog.

PhoenixFan123 said...

go PhoenixCast! (Shut up Luna593!)

PhoenixFan123 said...

): don't want to wait long for the second season, series, or whatever its called, of PhoenixCast.