Sunday, May 22, 2011

New segments coming soon to PhoenixCast!

Starting within the next few episodes, we're planning to feature more,
different segments on our podcast. Here's a few that are being considered:
  • Fan video of the week, where we select one well-made fan video.
  • Historic Harry Potter moment, where we look back at famous Harry Potter moments for our listeners. (There's a ton of  moments, so no problem here.)
  • Trivia Time, where we ask our audience a Harry Potter trivia question for them to solve.
If all works out, you can expect to see these segments
on an upcoming episode of PhoenixCast!


FlamingVoldemort said...

Like these segment ideas, except for the Historic Moment idea. Sounds, no offense, kinda stupid.

HarryMustDie said...

I like these ideas!
It will definetly make PhoenixCast much more original and unique then it ever was before.

GoodbyHedwig said...

No historic moments segments!
I am already sad enough that the series is ending!