Tuesday, February 1, 2011

PhoenixCast #4 coming out soon! Episode details here!

The news has been slow lately, so we've had to push
episode #4 back a little bit, but it should be out
sometime over the next seven days or so.

We're continuing our news segment,
our chapter discussions, this time working with chapters 7-8
of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry Potter 8
movie news, and more! Again, this should be out by February 7th.

The good news is, we plan on having PhoenixCast #5
out on February 14th, so you can look for it then.

We're planning to have both episodes around 20 minutes long.
We'll let you know when #4 is released!

We should have details on episode 5 released within the next hour or so.