Saturday, February 26, 2011

PhoenixCast #6 is now here!

We have our newest episode of PhoenixCast all finished,
edited, and ready to be downloaded!

We discuss all the big Harry Potter news stories,
discuss chapters 9-10 of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone,
Continue our "Chapter Quote" listener challenge,
and give a brief sneek peek at things to come.

PhoenixCast #6- When sparks fly...In Wizard Duels can be downloaded below.
(If  you're right-handed, right-click the link below, and then click "save target as..." ,
find where you want to put the podcast, and you're good to go!)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

PhoenixCast #6 to be released on February 28th!

Although we don't have all the show notes ready yet,
we have now decided to release the newest episode
of PhoenixCast, our unofficial Harry Potter podcast,
on Monday, February 28th, the last day of the month.

We'll have the show notes released on this blog soon.
Keep an eye out for upcoming announcements!

Monday, February 14, 2011

PhoenixCast #5 just released!

Just like we said in our previous post,
PhoenixCast #5 can now be downloaded!

It is our special Valentine's Day show this time,
and we skip chapter discussions this week,
and replace them with releationship discussions.

Take a listen! (estimated episode length: 32 min.)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

PhoenixCast #5 coming out February 14th!

It is a pleasure to announce that PhoenixCast #5, our Harry Potter podcast,
is still on schedule for its February 14th online release!

For news, we discuss:
  • The cover, release date, and details for the Harry Potter: Years 1-7 movie set were revealed. We also discuss the high prices for both the DVD and Blu-Ray years box versions. Is the prices worth it?
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part One can now be pre-ordered on!
  • More Harry Potter 8 casting news continues to leak out, despite if or if not Warner Bros. doesn't like it.
  • David Heyman and J.K. Rowling announced to be accepting a film award for the Harry Potter movie series!
We also continue our Harry Potter chapter discussions,
book quote, and much more in PhoenixCast #5,
coming to a computer or MP3 player near you
on February 14th, 2011!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Links mentioned on PhoenixCast #4 here!

To view LEGO's Harry Potter Diagon Alley building set pics,
like the ones we discussed on PhoenixCast #4, and watch a video,
double-click this link!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

PhoenixCast #4 now released!

We are happy to announce that, at long last, PhoenixCast #4
has been released, and can be downloaded!

We discuss the latest Harry Potter news,
and continue our chapter discussions, and we make
a special announcement about our next episode.

For this and more, (if you're right handed) right-click the link below, then click
"save target as..." Find a place on your computor to hold the file, wait for it to download,
and you're good to go! Look on our libsyn page, ,
for more episode info, or download it on itunes!

You can also subscribe to us on itunes, and get episodes delivered to you!
Whaterver way you choose, enjoy! (Estimated episode length: 28 min.)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

PhoenixCast #4 coming out soon! Episode details here!

The news has been slow lately, so we've had to push
episode #4 back a little bit, but it should be out
sometime over the next seven days or so.

We're continuing our news segment,
our chapter discussions, this time working with chapters 7-8
of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry Potter 8
movie news, and more! Again, this should be out by February 7th.

The good news is, we plan on having PhoenixCast #5
out on February 14th, so you can look for it then.

We're planning to have both episodes around 20 minutes long.
We'll let you know when #4 is released!

We should have details on episode 5 released within the next hour or so.