An all-new episode of PhoenixCast has arrived!
Here are this episode's show notes:
We discuss all the latest Harry Potter news:
* makes new update, and imposes
new restrictions on the Wizard Duel minigame.
*LEGO Harry Potter to be released on MAC computers on February 16th!
*J.K. Rowling posts a new "tweet" on Twitter!
We read her latest words to the fans.
*We discuss the growing number of snowy owl sightings across the U.S.
*The Order of the Phoenix and PhoenixCast
team up, and join the Strike Against SOPA movement
to fight back against internet censorship! You can too!
*PhoenixCast joins Facebook!
(To visit our Facebook page, go to )
*PhoenixCast now accepts e-mail from you, the listener!
(To give us YOUR thoughts, rebuttals, or ideas, send them to: !)
Listen now!
(Estimated episode length: 33 min.)
(To download, right-click the link above with your mouse,
then select the "save target as..." option, find a place to put the file,
then the episode will begin to download directly to your computer!)