Wednesday, January 26, 2011

PhoenixCast #3 now released!

We can now offer PhoenixCast #3 for download,
sorry for the slight wait, but here it is!

In this show, we discuss the first HP8 movie pic,
which was just been released online this past week,
The HP7 collector's edition, and all the features it has to offer.

We also continue our regular chapter-by chapter discussions,
this time discussing chapters 5 & 6 of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
Take a listen!

To download our episode here, right-click the link below and then click
"save target as..." Then find where you want the file placed, and you're good to go!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Phoenixcast #3 on the way!

We are happy to announce that we have begun recording
PhoenixCast #3, and plan on releasing it on Tuesday!

We'll be discussing the HP7 DVD and Blu-Ray release date,
Its newly announced special features, wonder if there'll be
a free digital copy with the film, and more!

See you this Tuesday!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

PhoenixCast #2 now can be downloaded off our site!

With nearly 19 minutes of Harry Potter content,
including our introduction, news,
and chapter discussion segments,
PhoenixCast is back, and better then ever!
To download it, right-click the link below
and click "save target as..." 


Sunday, January 16, 2011

PhoenixCast #2 on its way, show notes available here!

We are happy to announce that our second episode of
PhoenixCast is well on its way to being released!

We are hoping to have it out by Monday night,
but it may be postponed until Tuesday if necessary.

We will make a post if the episode is indeed postponed.

We do, however, have the show notes for PhoenixCast #2.
To continue and read the show notes, please click the "Read More" link,
if you haven't already.

Monday, January 10, 2011

PhoenixCast #1 blooper reel now ready for download!

Consisting of 30 seconds of blooper material,
the PhoenixCast #1 blooper reel can now be downloaded
by right-clicking the link, and then click "save target as..."
and you can save it right to your computor.

We would reccomend listening to the actual episode
prior to listening to the bloopers. Thank You.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

PhoenixCast #1 is now available for download!

Thanks to, we are now able to release our first
ever Harry Potter podcast, PhoenixCast.

The episode's length is close to 18 minutes in total.

We will be covering in this episode the following topics:

  • Harry Potter news stories from December,
  • Harry Potter book chapter discussions, starting with chapters 1 & 2 of book 1.
  • And the "Guess the character" chapter quote, taken from one of the 2 discussed chapters
PhoenixCast #2 is scheduled to be released in another 2-4 weeks,
depending on the availability of Harry Potter news.

PhoenixCast #1- New beginnings, can be downloaded below,
simply by clicking it and saving it to your computer. Enjoy!